KRAFT Singles - Cheese Slices | Kraft Heinz

A slice of Canada in every bite

The cheesy deliciousness of Kraft Singles is made for Canadians, by Canadians.
A plate of loaded cheese fries on a yellow background

Find Your Flavour

Kraft Singles are worth melting for any way you slice it.

Dare to Square

Whether it's an anything-but-basic burger or a gotta-have-it ham and cheese, discover all the ways to amp up your fave cravings with Kraft Singles.

A Slice of History

Your favorite square has a history of creativity and innovation.

A man loads boxes on a factory rolling line

Want to Know More?

We’ve got the answers to all your top questions – because hearing from you always makes us melt.

A burger with pickles, ketchup, Kraft Singles cheese, a patty, and mayo

Take A Shortcut To Dinner

Get in the kitchen with What’s Cooking, the recipe app with step-by-step videos from top creators. Discover easy dishes made with ingredients you already have on hand.